Walter Bjorkman is a writer residing in Maryland. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., later tempered by two decades in Miami, FL.

This Collection of Poetry is a selection from over four decades of his imagination

 She made me do it . . .

~ Contents ~

Grave Fears Lovers of Objects Day Art Fragments
Marzipan Chapeau Metempsychosis by Sea-Moon Return to Now
Sands The Mongoose Low Maintenance Baby Blues
Artist with the Emerald Eyes But for the Grace Freedom, A Visit
Three Times the Bell He of the Birch Freedom, a Visit II
Wait! There's More!   

~ Links to my pages and community ~

       To Journey - Narrative Poetry       To When Out West - Stories       To Marzy Lives On - Stories       Visit MiPO - a Community      

~ Some Published Works ~

BluePrintReview #23 (dis)comfort zones - As I Awake in Silent Walk Poets and Artists(O&S)Mar/Apr 2010 - Lost and Found on the B Train in Winter
Poets and Artists(O&S) Vol 2 Issue 4 2009 - Poor Man's Heaven Ocho #27 MiPo Companion - Elsie's World
Metazen Oct 2009 - A Bupkis in Gary's Bonnet MiPo Zine Bonsai Project 2002 - Lovers of Objects Day Art

Contact Walter:


Grave Fears

With beating heart I wait for the event
Of when my life shall never more exist
I've read - amazed, of people who have lent
Their lives to be by death's own harsh lips kissed

Fear of Erebus fills my thoughts, the stench
Of Hades fills my soul, the scents prevent
My hopes for life to live, and then must quench
The Graces Three - till life itself is spent

And when I think that I may never live
To see the wonders of my day and age
All hope is gone, my heart will cease to give
The needed joy which I must have to stage

A worthy battle for my life to save
And hence I die - because I fear the grave



Lovers of Objects Day Art


  You drove with me
   sitting in the shotgunseat
   rockaway freeway baby, now
   barb-wired mount trashmore bum

   I have a blow if you need it
   if you just lend me your coat
   temp's goin down to sixty tonight
   middle of friggin' july

   sweets - lay down near the rotting  heap
   now covered with grass and weeds
   the decomposition remains underneath
   and still creates some heat


I'll pick up as many cans as I can today

a nickel a pop-top (10 cents in michigan)

we'll get some joe at the bodega
near the place I once fried clams and shrimp

those mornings back then were wondrous,
we slept, laughed and screwed
on Belle Harbor beach
our stomachs filled with my perks

where did it go to get
back where I never belonged
why does our death
come so slow



Marzipan Chapeau

I went out early this morning
to breathe the winter air
down the winding snow covered
cobblestoned streets
past shuttered shops
on this Christmas Eve day
at 6 AM all alone

A lone bakery truck
rumbled off in the distance
no other signs of life at all
the snow was falling lightly
my face a whitened pall

No holiday cheer faced me this day
another retrospective night
kept me awake to hit these streets
no gifts for my delight

I turned the blustery corner
hat brim pulled way down low
when suddenly I looked up and saw
her marzipan chapeau

She said come on into my shop
I will show you true delights
of red licorice-stringed necklaces
and warm cocoa-ed wintered sights

Sugar plums slammed-danced in my head
as I turned into the door
to see a wondrous sight
her own private candy store

A dress woven of milky-white coconut shreds
a blouse of pure fruit sugars
maple syrup hose
with boots of Spanish pastries

Earrings of rock candy sparkle
a belt of salt water taffy
honey strands for her hair
blueberries for eyes
rose watered lips

I stood in wonder of
this welcomed retreat
from the cold and numbing season
then turned and left
for no reason

It was just a vision, wasn't it?
but this I will always know

I never will forget
that bittersweet

marzipan chapeau



Metempsychosis by Sea-Moon


  Come! - to the black ripples of forgetfulness
  beyond the fallen towers of the night,
  toppled by the moon's delivering rays
  to the hidden boats of weariness

  Among sun-burnt images washed dark
  by shadows of the rotted beams,
  fading into the caress of lovers
  behind their accusations of the light

  An expanse is revealed, a line of aged joy
  appearing upon rejection of the sun,
  denying the warmed wonderfulness
  of oft remembered ways


Purified by the incense of the salt-ridden
upon ancient sensations of decay,
Awake! - unto the the accused denier,
the light of humanity scattered on the waves

While the saddened spoil of life arises
to the profoundness of this time,
lost distance becomes a function needed
to depart the wretchedness left behind

History escapes the towers' fall
leaving riddled ruins of the people of the Nile
Now! - moaning unto the end of days,
sea washing the empty holds of time

Surrounded by the stalwart beings
that urge the orb onward with their might
the moon palely fosters her cleansing rays
upon the bedded grief of the morning sun



Return to Now

White - that it is
The flames flickering, sought to tie
Old ladies' hair to my bones

Out here the crusted elegance
Summons the time - time that is now to remain

But warm footprints reveal the time before
Drifting, fervishly whirling
The two complete opposites

Ancient sorrow swells within when within

The Man and Woman realize the days gone by
While here I forget
The light sifting through the haze
Sends me back to where I am

But the footprints

  Snowy ledges untouched
  Slowly develop into the present day

  But the footprints

  One house reveals light from the window
  As the bus carries away people
  Who resemble the Woman and the Man

  But the footprints

  Fright envelopes me for no reason
  Then it is gone and I am alone

The footprints begin to be covered
As the present wonder hides the old lady

Cold snaps
Sounds arise
I leave the footprints
They leave my thoughts




The glistening diamond reflections

amongst this vast sea of sand
cast their beauty towards the skies

red droplets of coral reefs
are speckled throughout
and reflect within your eyes

I drop to my knees
and thrust down my hand
to lift the silt to my breath

as the white-washed foam
of a receding wave
lays upon your breast

with oceans of tiny particles
waiting for my desire

no shells of the sea entice me more
than the pearls of your azure fire


Low Maintenance Baby Blues

She's my low-maintenance baby
I don't have to do a thing
She's my low-maintenance baby
Lord I don't have to do a thing
She lights my fire in the mornin'
She knows just what to bring

She puts the sugar in my coffee
The corn in my corn bread
But when I ask her for her ideas
They spin around my head

She's my low-maintenance baby
She cooks and cleans those pots and pans
But when I look her in the mind
She sure makes this boy a man

Well she don't take nothin' from no one
She knows just what to do
She has a strong-willed mind of her own
But I got one of them too

She's my low-maintenance baby
And maybe I don't have to do a thing
But even though she's doin' it all herself
She sure makes my mind and my soul sing



The Mongoose

A tune in my head for a few decades. This is about, I think, a relationship like ice and a drink in 32 degree weather - each will never become the other, while trying to be together, finally one leaves and both become free.

You say you must be vital
Life is for the askin'
But you don't ask why

The squirrel cries "Tomorrow"
But the Mongoose
She doesn't even try

You take your gifts from others
You know they're there for you
Without a sigh


But the squirrel cries "Tomorrow"
And the Mongooose
She doesn't even try

Goin' back to my home
To the countryside
And gaze into the sky

'Cause the squirrel cries "Tomorrow"
But this Mongoose
She doesn't even try



Artist With The Emerald Eyes

you take my money
you feed my habits
call me the only gentle-man
with your flashing emerald eyes

you make the coffee
you clean the counters
amazed at my change-giving skills

with your rolling emerald eyes

you wash gas pumps
you train the faces that come and go
a thousand miles from brazil
with your longing emerald eyes

a smile is always on your face
except for the time the crackhead
accused you of short-changing
with your viperous emerald eyes

the other day you spoke to another
about your passion - reason to live
painting the mind's colors on canvas
with your impassioned emerald eyes

that day i hushed my lips
as you knew just what I wanted
put it out on the counter
with your knowing emerald eyes

today no one else was there
i asked about your passion
you told me you do fantasy oils
with your inviting emerald eyes

                    * * *

        how many years ago was it
        you designed buildings and rooms
        and taught students the architectural rules
        with your trained emerald eyes

        what must it be like to be so far away
        from a place and a time that you lived 
        worked played and loved
        with your distant emerald eyes

                * * *

it cost too much the tests and classes
i have two children in university now
let them go on to do what i did
with your loving emerald eyes

               * * *

        do you have e-mail i'll send you some
        i wrote it down on a card
        i cannot wait to see your emerald green work
        all with my blue-grey eyes



But for the Grace

take the B train to the lower west side
prince street to saltzman's ocean view club I glide
no other business open in sight at night

seedy but trendy so the cabs and limos pull up
to the garbaged street gutter's side
no shrieking subway train ride

i lean on the lampost waitin for Phin
smoking my nyc nail rolled thin
watching the life play evolve

human wreck lying asleep in the doorway
as well-turned ankles step gingerly over
this piece of human waste
then one spike-heel brushes him sligthly
as the upper east-sider complains as she steps
"can't they do anything to get rid of this mess!"

the beastly waste awakens dripping in his own emissions
grabs the precious ankle with filthy hand
and offers this submission:
"Lady, I was first in this place!"

she shrieked and pulled away with a cry
i sucked another puff and winked him in the eye
for there but for the grace of me go i,

He perhaps my future face


Freedom, A Visit

Laying upon the abstractions of the mind
her presence was not felt til she was gone

playfully diving into the sea
the entrance to life wetted her free coat
but did not prevent her from being airborne

shallow plunges they are
to rise and dive again
yet leaving ripples extending
to the utmost depths

No - you will not suffer!

but the fish wanting to be drawn
into the air unlimited
out of it's one state
which carried him to the limits
of the darkest reefs
into the most barnacled ships of time
now softly desires your beak

so lightly it brushed against
but did not carry
his body into the pure air

which would have created
with his sopping experience
the union of life's extremities
in a looming flight of existence



Three Times The Bell

Three times the bell rung
Once I did not answer
never before did I ever do that
I coughed,
It certainly does no good for the constitution


   Three times the bell rung
    this time once I answered
    never before did I ever do that
    I sneezed,
    It certainly does no good for the constitution

    Three times the bell rung
    three times I did not answer
    never before did I ever do that


I smiled,
I know I'll be doing it again



[These] do to (one) heaven

(Wonder love)You want (hurtin' everlovin' you)

     Write    [Born]    another damn

Living    soul[sweet]   in flames

[Time] sold mean woman gun

[To hit hard]            (son baby job)

(Bags) shuffle [across]  (man known)

Gold rust whistle (coming)

Easy (alright) farmer

You mouth kisses

                 (from [God])


Would leave now pain

Super blind thing

Swear love to walking






Kill by the waters

Whatever moves

              To design a perfect      setting for

Vladimir Nabokov

a message:

Live As Mother Begs

Don't Ever Feel You

Are Living Lonely 



He of the Birch

In a meadow of colors
he perceives with ears
the hues of flowers
others see with their eyes

In a grove of white birch
he harkens with eyes
the rustling of leaves
others hear with their ears

In a bed of damp bark
he inhales with lips
the aroma of loam
others merely scent

In a creek of swift perch
he savors with nose
the sweetness of water
others taste with their lips

He rises at sunset, senses aroused
whilst others lie down to their dreams

He dreams the day, senses subdued
whilst others rise to their trade

As others rush to the world they made
He ambles through the skies they didn't


Freedom, a Visit II

            You, wrapped in a veil of amber thistledown,
Fritillary-like alight atop the flower's bend,
defying prickles of leaves and stems
that scar the world's conventional hands.
I, clutched in a damp hood of dark marl,
Moth-larva emerge from the gnarled roots' curl.
You, capturing the thistle nectar's sensations,
I envy your bright raw sienna existence.

A world of decaying bramble and moss
my only life essence, I struggle
to rise, to hover to mate, yet succumb,
never to taste your sweet trembling


But Wait, There's More!!

The Ballad of Phin, Little Paula and Eddie
or The Importance of Being Regular

19 seventy and somethin' early, Phin rode into town
Eddie was doin' somethin' crazy, but couldn't let his friends down

Phin and Eddie's Little Paula came by for a stay
Couldn't fit 'em in his pantry bedroom
barely room for his bedding - no way

So off to the Nacimiento woods after Arizona's home made pizza flat
That's more intoxicating than a brew
And lisnin' to Strangefellow's ten fingers magically fly on his Strat
With his Psyche-delicate view

With Arizona, Strange and Eddie
Tom the Historian Mechanic
Gary The Beekeeper and his Lady Primo-Dona,
Earth-Mama - The Other Donna
Randy Randy and His Concubine of the Month
This made up this Tribe of Nine
Sometimes swelling to fifteen

There also were animals
Sundance the Shephard, Lady the Black Lab, Dirty Erasmus the Mutt
Raz would sit on the couch
Legs over the edge, back against the cushions
Just like his human companions

So no room for Eddie's Brooklyn friends at the inn
The woods their only real away in a manger option

Eddie can't remember how they got there or back to the stoop
But here is this inspirational story's poop:

Pitched tent in a cathedral of three redwoods with no sway
With a natural bed of pine needles and an inviting portway
Then cooked up somethin' like beans in a pot
What was it they downed before, during and after? - tol' ya Eddie forgot

Boy Scout training kicked in in the back of his mind
25 yards at least from camp to do your after-meal slime
No Scott's tissue to mar the pristine land,
Just use nature's tools - a leaf, whatever's at hand

The Kan-Do Soft Sided Folding Tent Toilet

Sunset coming upon them like a fog
Eddie did it sitting over a log

Then down to the riverbank on this starry starry night
Phin, Little Paula and Eddie, with no fright
No moon was there to block the view
Of distant galaxies and constellations running askew
Heads gazing up and tripping out
Minds realizing there is nothing about which to pout

Time to get back into their sheltered haven
They turned into the total blackness of the forest's heaven
For minutes that seemed hours they were lost from their mission
What to do? they couldn't even see each other's visage

“I have twelve wood matches!” Eddie exclaimed with delight
“We will go our ways through the underbrush and yell to each other of our plight
Then light the strike-anywheres to show position and help the others look
We will find it sooner or later” - it was only a short jaunt from the brook

Desperation set in as the matches did dwindle
Were they doomed to sleep in a huddle and get swindled
By the biting insects and snakes of this legendary land?
Please, some divine inspiration come down and give this threesome a hand
Further apart they roamed to find the tent
Things were getting crucial, frustrations no longer pent

When all of a sudden instead of briars and brush
In which his bare feet got entangled, in his slow rush
A soft-slimy pile enveloped Eddie's toes
Like a vision from heaven, his mind got the news

“Yo! Phin, Yo! Little Paula, Eddie know just where we be!
Eddie is where Eddie went when Eddie had to do more than pee”
“The safe-haven is just twenty five yards yonder
Use your last matches to not wander asunder”

They all reached camp and tumbled into their tent
Then related to each other about where they all went

So in the end it is not about why you got to where
But to have faith in yourself - your own butt will get you there.

~ Links to my pages and community ~

       To Journey - Narrative Poetry       To When Out West - Stories       To Marzy Lives On - Stories       Visit MiPO - a Community      

                                                                                                                   Copyright Walter Bjorkman, 2009


                                           Published by Walter Bjorkman, an On the Wall Production, 2009